Sunday 24 February 2013

Hide Text Into The Picture/Image

How to Hide a Text File into Picture or Image?

Sometimes you may want to keep your password backups or any other personal information for secretly.
There is a way you can hide your text file in PC without using any software:

1. Place one of your image and a text file that you want to hide to the Desktop, rename your image file name or text file name if it's necessary.

2. As always, open your Command Prompt or cmd and type: 

cd Desktop 

like below:

3. Then, type: 

copy /b yourImageName.jpg + yourTextName.txt yourNewImageName.jpg
and press Enter. Done! If it's succesful, new picture or image will appear on your desktop.  

Now if anyone is on your PC, they'll see its just the image or picture file. Move that picture file to the safe folder or image folder so that anyone can't think suspiciously.

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